App Picks Apps Music Qobuz 2023-03-01
Qobuz Qobuz


  • Category:Music
  • Size:39.4 MB
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  • Views:1
Game Introduction

"Qobuz" offers over 100 million tracks for high-quality streaming and download with access to human-curated playlists and exclusive editorial content. The platform is the only one to provide both music streaming and downloads in Hi-Res. "Qobuz" is available on all devices and has an offline mode. Users can try "Qobuz" SOLO for free and without commitment for 30 days. The platform provides an exceptional listening experience, new releases, and reissues in lossless/CD and Hi-Res quality. "Qobuz" enriches the user's music education by providing access to digital booklets and liner notes. The platform is supported by the main wireless listening devices and is compatible with all types of audio gear from the biggest and most prestigious Hi-Fi brands. "Qobuz" also allows for transferring and importing all playlists and favorites from another streaming platform.

Take an amazing journey.

Over 100 million tracks available for high quality streaming and downloadQobuz, a unique approach to online music.With Qobuz, listen to unlimited music in the highest quality audio. Let our team of music experts guide you in your music discoveries with recommendations, human-curated playlists, and exclusive editorial content (articles, interviews, reviews). Access an unparalleled wealth of content: . Over 100 million tracks in high resolution & CD quality. More than 500,000 original editorial articles written by experts. Thousands of human-curated playlists in rock, cl.....

Characteristics of the article:

  • Brief and to the marker
  • Provides a clear and concise overview of the platform's features
  • Uses bullet markers to standout moment the key benefits of using "Qobuz"
  • Includes a call to action for users to try the platform for free
  • Includes social media handles for users to follow "Qobuz" on various platforms
  • Qobuz
  • Qobuz
  • Qobuz
  • Qobuz
  • Qobuz
  • Qobuz
  • Qobuz
  • Qobuz
Copyright:The copyright of the game belongs to the game developer. If there is any infringement, please contact our email to delete this URL!
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