App Picks Apps Video 犇视频 2023-03-27
犇视频 犇视频


  • Category:Video
  • Size:65.2 MB
  • Version:3.2.0
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Game Introduction

The article introduces "Bian Video," a new media platform created by the Hunan Daily Novelspaper Group to optimize user experience and address known issues. The platform's name "Bian" is derived from the Chinese word for "cow" and represents the spirit of selflessness, perseverance, and hard work associated with this animal in Chinese culture. "Bian Video" is a news aggregation platform that emphasizes short videos and text, with a focus on city life, services, and events. It targets young adults aged 18-40 and aims to be an innovative social platform through the use of digital technology. The platform is available on various news and video client applications, including Performuyin, Kuaishou, WeChat Video, Xigua Video, Bilibili, CCTV, People's Video, Study Strong Country, NetEase Novels, Tencent Novels, Kandian Quick Report, Today's Headlines, Sina Novels, Phoenix Novels, Sohu Novels, Sina Weibo, and Yidian Information.


优化用户体验,修复已知问题“犇”向美好,视不可挡! 犇视频是湖南日报报业集团旗下三湘都市报推动媒体转型、融合发展而打造全新传播平台。 在我们传统文化的语境中,牛是无私奉献、奋进开拓和吃苦耐劳的象征,寄托的是人们对美好生活的期望。“犇”为三牛,诠释了犇视频开设的初衷:热忱服务用户如孺子牛,进击向上如拓荒牛,勤恳踏实如老黄牛。 所有惊天动地的奇迹,无不始于埋头苦干,在这次融合创新中,我们将使出“牛力” ,奋力“犇”跑,发扬“三牛”精神,干出牛气冲天。 犇视频是以“生活+服务”的都市公共新闻为主体的资讯聚合平台,强化短视频+文字的呈现方式,主打生活+、温暖+、活动+,是一款充满都市烟火味道的接地气的轻应用型新闻视频APP,它以18-40岁人群为目标受众,新锐主流,新鲜有趣,通过创新数字技术打造年轻人新型社交平台。 犇视频APP是我们的根据地,您同时还会在抖音短视频、快手短视频、微信视频号、西瓜视频、哔哩哔哩弹幕网、央视频、人民视频、学习强国、网易新闻、腾讯新闻、看点快报、今日头条、新浪新闻、凤凰新闻、搜狐新闻、新浪微博、一点资讯等各大新闻或视频客户端上发现犇视频的身影,总之,您的手指划向哪里,犇视频就在哪里!.....

  • Introduces a new media platform
  • Focuses on optimizing user experience and fixing known issues
  • Emphasizes the spirit of selflessness, perseverance, and hard work
  • Targets young adults aged 18-40 and aims to be an innovative social platform
  • Available on various news and video client applications.

What's New in the Latest Version 3.2.0

Last updated on Dec 3, 2022

犇视频更新描述: 对多项功能细节进行了优化,为你提供更好的使用体验。
  • 犇视频
  • 犇视频
  • 犇视频
  • 犇视频
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