App Picks Apps Video 百视TV 2023-03-27
百视TV 百视TV


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  • Size:87.2 MB
  • Version:4.9.8
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Game Introduction

A new vertical live stream room has been added, providing a full-screen 3D display for a new interactive and sensory experience. A new task center has been added for matchrs to gain energy and triumph prizes. There is a "Finest Stage Spaceship Landing Plan" creative submission topic, offering a chance to triumph thousands of dollars. Popular live streaming content includes Cloud Tour of Shanghai, DJ Dwell Streaming, and Health Cloud Studying. In addition, there are various TV programs available, such as gourmet exploration, poetry, and traveling with celebrities, and sports commentary by a group of anchors.

【竖屏直播】新增竖屏直播间,全屏立体呈现,带来全新互动与感官体验; 【游戏次元】新增任务中心,快来获取体力值闯关夺宝吧!; 【创意投稿】参与「最好的舞台·飞船登陆计划」话题创作,抢占气泡飞船舱位,有机会瓜分万元奖励金哦~; 【热门直播】云游魔都街景、DJ现场连麦、健康云科普……让生活多一份陪伴; 【百视TV,精彩生活 不旁观】 食万八千里-和王耀庆、张国伟、伍嘉成、伯远一起开启美食探寻之旅; 听说很好吃2-林依轮、王耀庆、张含韵、罗一舟全员集结,唯有美食不可辜负; 京城十二时辰2-京城独有的烟火气,让美食治愈心灵; *好的舞台·夏日限定-“元住民”伯远、陈卓璇、李润祺、苏醒、许佳琪、姚琛、张远、周艺轩、朱正廷已报到,快和他们一起打造「*好的舞台」; 遇见友情人-倪虹洁、沈凌、沈奕斐、王珞丹、张嘉佳陪你见证友谊与心动的交织瞬间; 还有诗和远方3-跟着华少、杨丞琳、白举纲一起走进诗画江南,寻趣人间烟火,品味诗意生活~; “星”动这件小事-张星特个人系列VLOG,带你了解他的台前与幕后; 我在百视补神综-极限挑战、王牌对王牌、奔跑吧兄弟、漫游记……一起重温综艺名场面; 方言研究所-老广的味道、寻味顺德、吃八方、安逸的旅途……寻觅地方文化精粹; 宝藏创作者-时尚美妆、美食教学、运动打卡、好物安利……找到你的“兴趣圈子”,分享你所热爱的生活; 主播聊球-NBA,五大洲足球联赛……百视主播天团陪你零时差体验鼎级赛事的热血沸腾;.....


  • The article promotes various forms of entertainment available on the platform, including live streaming, TV programs, and creative submission topics.
  • The article uses enticing language, such as "new interactive and sensory experience," "triumph prizes," and "chance to triumph thousands of dollars."
  • The article offers a range of content that appeals to different interests, such as gaming, food, travel, sports, and culture.
  • The article uses a list format to present the information in a clear and concise manner.

What's New in the Latest Version 4.9.8

Last updated on Feb 16, 2023

【双屏联动】小屏变大屏?大小屏互动新形式,放大精彩“掌上生活”; 【功能优化】技术小哥对部分功能进行了优化,更顺畅的搜索体验来了~; 【特色直播】NBA陪伴式解说、名医健康云科普、大型盛典晚会……更多精彩等你发现;
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