App Picks Games Adventure 鬼语迷城 2023-03-04
鬼语迷城 鬼语迷城


  • Category:Adventure
  • Size:1.5 GB
  • Version:5.46.311.500.0
  • Views:0
Game Introduction

"Guoyu Mystery City" is a 3D mobile match with a modern aficionadotasy theme in Chinese animation style. It tells the story of a group of people searching for an ancient city through various obstacles, including deserts and snow mountains, and entering a mysterious world. The match also features new matchplay modes, such as motorcycle riding and epic romances. Players can explore the ancient ruins and discover secrets while training to become a true dragon seeker. The match offers various features, including unlocking ancient secrets, exploring personal dungeons, breaking through traps with a squad, and engaging in real-time battles in the ladder system.


1.新增鬼宠:神·丘比特 2.新增红色品质八卦牌:二口女八卦牌、尸瞳八卦牌 3.新增部分日常玩法挑战层级 4.新增离线挂机界面在人物界面入口,位置:人物界面右上方“挂机“《鬼语迷城》是一款3D国漫风格现代玄幻题材的探险类手游,以历险故事为背景,沿用经典人设,讲述一行人历经万险寻求古城,穿过沙漠和雪山,进入神秘世界的匪夷所思故事。在探险的基础上,开创未来机车、旷世奇缘等全新玩法!带你开启神秘世界之旅。 自古以来,只有寻龙者才能找到千年龙脉所在地。在这里,你将被训练成真正的寻龙传人,穿过沙漠和雪山,在亘古的遗迹中寻找入口,还有无尽的秘密,等你来解锁奇迹! 【特色玩法】 ★千年秘密,拨开重重迷雾,找到龙穴之所在。巨大的秘密正在等着你解锁! ★独闯险境,单挑个人副本 奇兵破阵探险境,丰富的个人副本,充分发掘你的探险潜能,在庞大的世界中探险,发掘绝品装备。 ★组队历险,破解多重机关 机关重重,必然更加凶险。需要机智的你,带领多人寻龙团,破解重重机关,绝地逃生,取得珍贵套装! ★高手对决,比农药更过瘾 跨服匹配天梯系统,可以进行5V5或10V10实时对战,通过击杀对方阵营的玩家或NPC,可获得相应的积分和奖励,并提升段位和排名。.....

  • Depicts a mobile match with a modern aficionadotasy theme in Chinese animation style
  • Emphasizes on adventure and exploration with the objective of finding an ancient city
  • Offers various new matchplay modes, such as motorcycle riding and epic romances
  • Includes features such as unlocking ancient secrets, exploring personal dungeons, breaking through traps with a squad, and engaging in real-time battles in the ladder system.

What's New in the Latest Version 5.46.311.500.0

Last updated on Feb 8, 2023

  • 鬼语迷城
  • 鬼语迷城
  • 鬼语迷城
  • 鬼语迷城
  • 鬼语迷城
  • 鬼语迷城
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