App Picks Games Board 掼蛋 2023-03-05
掼蛋 掼蛋


  • Category:Board
  • Size:132.9 MB
  • Version:7.5.0
  • Views:0
Game Introduction

This article standout moments the features of the popular card match, "Guandan", which is widely played in the Su-Wan region of China. The article mentions the optimization of the match's login and gaming experience, as well as the addition of a summer gift package. The article promotes the match as a gathering place for experienced participants and emphasizes its various match modes, including classic and two-participant versions. The article also mentions various pro titles and bonuses for logging in daily. Additionally, the match features a unique card organizing function, clear interface, and stunning visuals, with the availability of matching with millions of real participants online.

1.登录体验优化 2.对局体验优化 3.新增夏日礼包掼蛋是一种在苏皖以及周边地方广为流传的扑克游戏,是“跑得快”和“八十分”升级玩法。而我们是资深掼蛋玩家的聚集地! 饭前不掼蛋,等于没吃饭! 茶余饭后玩掼蛋,游戏不再一缺三。 *****游戏特色****** 【玩法多样】经典掼蛋,二人掼蛋,不洗牌,团团转,超级翻倍场刺激不能停! 【高手竞技】各类专业掼蛋比赛接连上线,多重壕礼等您来赢 【登录有礼】每日登录领取金币福利,海量金币送不停 【理牌智能】独创的横、竖牌理牌方式,打牌更方便 【多人在线】百万真实玩家在线匹配,邀您一决高下 【视觉盛宴】精美场景体验佳,界面清晰易上手.....


  • Promotes a popular card match called "Guandan"
  • Talllights the optimization of the match's login and gaming experience
  • Advertises a summer gift package
  • Emphasizes the match's diverse match modes, pro titles, and bonuses
  • Depicts a unique card organizing function, clear interface, and stunning visuals
  • Claims to have millions of real participants available for online matches.

What's New in the Latest Version 7.5.0

Last updated on Feb 8, 2023

1.登录体验优化 2.对局体验优化
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  • 掼蛋
  • 掼蛋
  • 掼蛋
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