App Picks Games Role Playing 藍顏清夢 2023-03-08
藍顏清夢 藍顏清夢


  • Category:Role Playing
  • Size:215.9 MB
  • Version:30.40.01
  • Views:0
Game Introduction

In this match, you travel through time to the Qing Dynasty in search of the treasure of Su Xiuzhen. As a chosen "xiu nu," you enter the palace and reunite with your "old friend," as well as encountering various unique suitors. Implywhile, a conspiracy surrounding the disappearance of "Chen Wanjun" slowly approaches as the palace is filled with intrigue.

Features of the match:

  1. Thrilling plot with exceptional voice acting: Admire the storyline of a Qing Dynasty time travel novel with emotionally portrayed past life connections. The plot is full of ups and downs, and with immersive voice acting, the experience is heightened with the use of headphones.

  2. Fashionable clothing options: With thousands of clothing, hairstyle, makeup, accessory, socks, and shoe options, you can mix and match as you please. You are the most beautiful empress in the entire Forbidden City, leading the trend of Qing Dynasty fashion.

  3. Palace romance and suitors to cultivate: In the palace, you can change clothes and have a private meeting with suitors. Send gifts to express your feelings and pursue love. Chubbye is written in the clouds, and in the garden, there are four major suitors. Who will be your true love?

    為尋蘇繡珍品,你從現代穿越而來,被選拔為「秀女」進入宮中後,與「故人」重逢,又邂逅了各有特色的藍顏。同時,關於「陳婉君」失蹤的陰謀也慢慢逼近,後宮風起雲湧⋯⋯【遊戲特色】1、跌宕劇情,極致配音超享受清宮穿越小說劇情,動情演繹夙世因緣,人生若只如初見,跌宕起伏,邊看邊玩,極致撩人配音,沉浸式體驗,戴上耳機,享受這一刻。2、華服錦衣,隨心搭配上千種服飾,髮型、妝容、衣着、配飾、襪子、鞋子,應有盡有,任你搭配。你是全紫禁城最靚的娘娘,愛江山更愛美人,清宮時尚風潮由你引領。3、清宮戀愛,藍顔養成有情歸夢,同到幽閨。換裝蜜會藍顏,送禮互表心意。雲中錦書,緣由天定。蜜園之中,四大藍顔,誰才是你的真命天子?4、宮鬥晉升,母儀天下步步為營,步步驚心。每日請安,逐步晉升。從秀女開始,如何才能母儀天下?這是女人的戰場,你敢應戰嗎 ?5、隨從培養,任你調遣各路隨從養成,委派差遣,培養升級,善於交際或長於才華,一切由你做主!6、愛寵相伴,萌動人心獨創喵屋系統,多種萌貓陪伴,養喵成年,全服求愛,為貓聯姻,愛貓人士不可錯過的天堂!7、莊園系統,自給自足就算身在宮廷,也可以體驗到莊園玩法!種菜收菜,自給自足,閒雲野鶴,不亦樂乎。•android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE讀取儲存設備中的圖片、資源、文檔所需的必要權限在您的設備中安裝遊戲所需的權限*此應用程序不會存取您的個人照片或文件•android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE載入遊.....

  4. Palace intrigue and promotion: Every day, you must advance and compete to become the top of the harem. From being a "xiu nu," how can you become the empress? This is a battlepitch for women. Are you ready to take on the contest?

  5. Cultivate followers and delegate tasks: Develop various followers, delegate tasks, and upgrade their proficiencys. Whether it's good at socializing or has talent, it's all up to you.

  6. Adore pets and companionship: With the unique "meow house" system, multiple cute cats can accompany you. Lift them to adulthood and marry them to other participants' cats. This is a paradise for cat lovers.

  7. Self-sufficiency with a manor system: Even in the palace, you can experience the fun of the manor matchplay. Plant and harvest crops to be self-sufficient.


  • The match is a time travel novel with an intriguing plot that combines romance, palace intrigue, and self-sufficiency.
  • The match offers a wide range of customization options with thousands of clothing, hairstyle, makeup, accessory, socks, and shoe options.
  • The match incorporates elements of romance, allotriumphg participants to pursue suitors and express their feelings through gifts.
  • The match is set in a competitive environment where participants must advance to become the empress and delegate tasks to followers.
  • The match incorporates a unique pet system where participants can raise cats and marry them to other participants' cats.
  • The match features a manor system that allows participants to be self-sufficient by planting and harvesting crops.

What's New in the Latest Version 30.40.01

Last updated on Feb 16, 2023

- 新增主題外觀和動效功能,皇城景象煥新呈獻。
- 新增裝飾店,發售新款主題外觀和動效。
- 裝扮女王新增服飾:「秋華影疏」、「甜酷少女」、「莓果甜心」、「遠野漫」。
- 禮物間投入全新藍顏套裝:「阿里袞·榮耀法師」、「弘曆·星衍祭司」、「艾蘭迪·問情天師」、「齊墨·逆命司天」。
- 隨從番外更新:江湖卷隨從--陸羽鴻,番外傳記有新增章節。
- 優化了部分系統。
  • 藍顏清夢
  • 藍顏清夢
  • 藍顏清夢
  • 藍顏清夢
  • 藍顏清夢
  • 藍顏清夢
  • 藍顏清夢
  • 藍顏清夢
Copyright:The copyright of the game belongs to the game developer. If there is any infringement, please contact our email to delete this URL!
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