App Picks Games Strategy 三国一统天下 2023-03-09
三国一统天下 三国一统天下


  • Category:Strategy
  • Size:457.3 MB
  • Version:14.2.0
  • Views:0
Game Introduction

The article announces several updates and optimizations to an online match. The updates include the addition of two new heroic characters, Sun Ce and Zhang Liao, along with their exclusive image cards. Novel characters and divine weapons, as well as civil officials, such as Xu You, have been added. Additionally, a new system, called weekly tasks, has been introduced, which offers participants ample rewards for completing specific tasks. The article also mentions the introduction of a new artifact, the Power Restriction, which can increase damage to different types of enemy troops. The optimization includes interface improvements, such as adding the display of the main character's avatar on mobile devices. The article concludes with an invitation to join the match's all-out war to conquer territories, with the assistance of renowned historical characters and troops.


新增内容: 1.新增魂契武将:【猛锐】孙策、【军威】张辽。 2.新增魂契武将专属形象卡:孙策形象卡(横扫江东)、张辽形象卡(威震逍遥) 3.新增武将、神兵:乐进、觉醒乐进、突破乐进及其专属对应神兵。 4.新增文官:许攸、觉醒许攸。 5.新增主公形象卡:陈汤形象卡(虽远必诛) 6.新增系统:周常任务,玩家可通过完成一系列任务获取丰厚奖励。 7.新增器灵:【势力克制】提升对不同势力武将的战法、碰撞及普攻伤害。 优化内容: 1.界面优化:手机端增加主公头像显示。全景即时国战24小时开放,三百余名城关隘等你攻打,三国名臣武将为你鞍前马后,百万热血将士助你圆梦三国!开疆扩土,一将功成万骨枯!运筹帷幄,决胜于千里之外!天下制霸,江山万里皆王土!美人绝色,倾城容姿为君生!现在起,叱咤风云,一统天下!.....

  • Clear and straightforward language
  • Bullet-markered list format
  • Emphasis on new features
  • Use of vivid language to appeal to matchrs' interests
  • Ring to action to join the match's warfare

What's New in the Latest Version 14.2.0

Last updated on Feb 15, 2023

新增内容: 1.新增魂契武将:【虎侯】许褚、【勇武】太史慈。 2.新增魂契武将专属形象卡:许褚形象卡(忠勇虎侯)、太史慈形象卡(江东战神) 3.新增武将、神兵:曹植、觉醒曹植、突破曹植、转生曹植及其专属对应神兵。 4.新增主公形象卡:班超形象卡(威震西域)。 优化内容: 1.档位活动:可通过点击道具图标(资源除外)查看名称及其描述。 2.大乐透活动:显示各奖励的数量、显示唯一道具的替换奖励。
  • 三国一统天下
  • 三国一统天下
  • 三国一统天下
  • 三国一统天下
  • 三国一统天下
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