App Picks Games Strategy 隋唐英杰传 2023-03-09
隋唐英杰传 隋唐英杰传


  • Category:Strategy
  • Size:624.6 MB
  • Version:28.00.01
  • Views:0
Game Introduction

Some optimizations have been made to the match, including allotriumphg participants to learn certain proficiencys such as "Jinshi Mengben" and "Xiu Rong Dao Fa" in multiple playthroughs, fixing issues with obtaining growth markers in "Zhipo Extendedyou Qi," "Yanmen Dajuezhan," and "Jiaozhi Zhengduozhan," correcting issues with character behavior after the "Wagang Sanjiang" mission, and resolving issues with certain generals lacking proficiencys in the later stages of the "Huanxiang Line" and "Zili Line," as well as fixing the appearance and troop type of the friendly general Zhang Travelngjin in the "Jiaochang Shengsi Zhan" mission.

This article is a brief summary of the changes made to a video match, with a focus on bug fixes and optimizations. The language used is technical, with specific mentions of features and issues within the match. The writing style is concise and to the marker. The article also includes a brief description of the historical context in which the match takes place.

【优化】部分特技学习条件优化,现在玩家在多周目时仍然可以学习【今世孟贲】和【绣戎刀法】。 【优化】智破陇右骑:修复了成长点获取异常的问题。 【优化】雁门大决战:修复了成长点获取异常的问题。 【优化】交趾争夺战:修复了部分玩家获取成长点时人物异常的问题。 【优化】修复了玩家在瓦岗散将后王伯当未正常离队的问题;现在有异常的玩家可以通过在断密涧战前进入内政时修正。 【优化】修复了幻想线后期及自立线部分武将无威压、压制、主将等特技的问题。 【优化】校场生死战:修复了友军张公瑾形象兵种错误问题。历史为骨,游戏为翼,中国南北朝末隋朝一统天下,隋炀 帝性格残暴,引天下大乱,乱世之中,各路英杰揭竿而起,或是占山为王,或是自立一国。.....

What's New in the Latest Version 28.00.01

Last updated on Feb 10, 2023

【新增】账号系统全面更新,TRID不再使用,新用户ID绑定渠道账号,不切换渠道账号用户ID不变 【新增】现在战前存档全部升级为云存档,切换设备不再丢失存档和成就 【新增】新增超值礼包,现在可以在其中直接购买往期形象、装备宝箱及至尊宝箱 【新增】签到升级为30日签到,签到奖励全存档通用 【优化】优化了剧情场景图,使得场景图能适配大屏手机 【优化】王伯当-大羿:获得瓦岗五虎羁绊后有效果(敏捷压制减伤8%,士气威压增伤8%),人物不显示特技 【优化】独闯铜旗阵:修复敌军出现及死亡的bug 【优化】巧退杜伏威:修复了友军窦线娘出现后侍女不跟随的问题 【优化】初探柏壁关:修复了入城检测错误问题` 【优化】窦线娘资料篇:修复功勋商店多次弹出的问题
  • 隋唐英杰传
  • 隋唐英杰传
  • 隋唐英杰传
  • 隋唐英杰传
  • 隋唐英杰传
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