App Picks Games Strategy 苍之纪元 2023-03-09
苍之纪元 苍之纪元


  • Category:Strategy
  • Size:823.0 MB
  • Version:1.0.827
  • Views:0
Game Introduction

The article introduces new updates and features for the match ""苍之纪元"" (Chronicles of Azure), including new adventures, quests, dungeons, and hero upgrades. The match is a Japanese-style mobile match that combines exquisite artwork, real-time combat, hero development, and various social and leisure matchplay. Players can collect experience by continuously fighting monsters, easily leveling up without burden. Additionally, participants can contest bosses in unknown areas and form powerful hero combos. The match features well-known voice actors such as Kana Hanazawa, Aoi Yūki, and Sora Amamiya. As an adventurer in the match, participants can explore the unknown Aurora continent with a squad of heroes.

★新主线★ 探索原始大陆——盖希提斯 ★新冒险★ 冒险开放新等级天启者Ⅱ~圣域Ⅰ ★新委托★ 皇家委托开放新等级12~15 ★新副本★ 团队副本更新难度炼狱4、5 ★团队等级提升★ 团队等级上限将提升至100级 ★英雄突破上限提升★ 英雄突破上限将提升至14级 ★专属戒指解放上限★ 专属戒指解放上限将提升至100级 ★刻印增加天赋树★ 刻印新增天赋树,90级装备天赋延伸年度日系二次元放置手游,《苍之纪元》参上! 这是一款集日系精致画风、即时战斗、英雄养成以及多种社交休闲玩法于一体的手游。全天候持续打怪收割经验,轻松升级无负担!还可前往未知区域挑战BOSS,即时作战!组合超强英雄,打出完美Combo!更有花泽香菜、悠木碧、雨宫天等一线声优倾情献声,耳朵要怀孕啦! 马上化身为冒险者小分队的一员,和众多英雄一起探秘未知的奥罗拉大陆吧!.....


  • The article is promoting a mobile match called ""苍之纪元"" (Chronicles of Azure).
  • It introduces new updates and features for the match, such as new adventures, quests, dungeons, and hero upgrades.
  • The article standout moments the match's Japanese-style artwork, real-time combat, hero development, and social and leisure matchplay.
  • The article emphasizes the match's voice actors, including Kana Hanazawa, Aoi Yūki, and Sora Amamiya.
  • The article encourages participants to join the match and explore the unknown Aurora continent with a squad of heroes.

What's New in the Latest Version 1.0.827

Last updated on Feb 7, 2023

★新主线★ 探索原始大陆——盖希提斯 ★新冒险★ 冒险开放新等级天启者Ⅱ~圣域Ⅰ ★新委托★ 皇家委托开放新等级12~15 ★新副本★ 团队副本更新难度炼狱4、5 ★团队等级提升★ 团队等级上限将提升至100级 ★英雄突破上限提升★ 英雄突破上限将提升至14级 ★专属戒指解放上限★ 专属戒指解放上限将提升至100级 ★刻印增加天赋树★ 刻印新增天赋树,90级装备天赋延伸
  • 苍之纪元
  • 苍之纪元
  • 苍之纪元
  • 苍之纪元
  • 苍之纪元
  • 苍之纪元
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